Bid Management Rules In Marin Social


The ability to create and implement Bid Management Rules is an exclusive Marin Social feature that helps you drive and optimize your Main Campaign KPI.


To create a new rule in Marin Social, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Config.
  2. Select Rules from the drop-down menu.
  3. Name your rule. Include details so that you can easily find and use your rule for future campaigns.
  4. Decide when your rule will initially be applied to your ads (Ex. start from 20 clicks) and how often (every 20 clicks).
  5. Set up your rules using IF and THEN conditions.
  6. Select the metric that will condition the rule (Bid, CPC, CTR, CPA, ROI, spend, click, impressions, etc.)
  7. Choose a status (lower, greater, equal to, etc.).
  8. Enter your value.
  9. Choose the lookback window for the system make a decision on (since today, the beginning, etc.).
  10. Check the box Adjust Delay when creating rules for Mobile App Installs Campaigns.
  11. Select the action you want to be automatically applied to your ads(decrease, increase, pause, restart, etc.).
  12. Enter the value of the action (currency, % bid, etc.).
  13. You can also add multiple conditions for more sophisticated rules.
  14. Click Create.

Examples Of Rules

  1. When my ad reaches 100 clicks, if the the cost per main KPI is greater than $10 for the past 3 days, pause the ad.” The system will scan ads every 12 hours.
  2. When my ad reaches 100 clicks, if the CTR is lower than 1% in the past 2 days and if the frequency is greater than 4 since yesterday, then pause my ad.” The system will scan ads every 8 hours.

Additional Information

  • The rule is set at media plan or campaign level.
  • The rule will be applied at ad level only.
  • Don’t be too restrictive when creating a new rule. If you don’t have enough data and history for your campaign, they won’t deliver correctly.
  • The Bid Management Rules don’t replace human action and analytical eyes to optimize campaigns. It is a tool to help you better optimize.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: June 6th, 2023

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