Strategy Side Panel - Additional Settings

The Strategies article covers the basics, in this article we will cover the additional settings available in the Strategy Side Panel. To launch the Strategy Side Panel, double-click on the Strategy of your choice. 

Advanced Options 

The Strategy Side Panel has three tabs - the Settings taband the Revenue tab. You can toggle between these tabs at the top of the Side Panel. The first few features we'll discuss in this article can be found under the Settings tab. 

Excluded Dates 

Excluded Dates allow you to exclude click and conversion data for specified dates or date ranges from being used to calculate your bids. This is useful if there has been a period or day of unusual performance that would skew bid calculations (e.g. Black Friday sale), or if you have a data integrity issue such as unreliable or missing revenue data. This setting recognizes both past and future dates. Excluded Dates can be set up from the Excluded Dates section of the Strategy Side Panel. 

To learn more about using Excluded Dates, check out the dedicated section of our Rules article


Boost is a bid multiplier applied to objects that live within a Strategy and can be used to control spend, volume, and efficiency. To learn more about Boost, check out the dedicated Boost section in our Rules article.


Bidding rules are applied to the bids calculated by Marin’s automated bidding algorithm in order to control or restrain bids based on your own business needs. They can be used to create a bid cap, a bid floor, a maximum bid change percentage and more, in order to make certain your Strategy meets your business' unique needs. Rules can be applied from the Rules section in the Strategy Side Panel. 

To learn more about using rules, check out our dedicated article.

Beta Features

Dynamic Allocation allows Marin to dynamically allocate spend across campaigns for optimal performance. 

Settings History  

The final tab, the Settings History tab, shows you an audit log for the selected Strategy, including details and dates of all modifications made to the Strategy and the username of the person who performed the changes. 

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: September 2nd, 2024