Handling Hyper-Latent Revenue in Ascend

This article discusses a custom revenue integration that can be leveraged to address hyper-latent conversion types in Marin Ascend, across various reporting, bidding, and optimization solutions.



Before we start, we need to declare some definitions. What do we mean by latency? 

Typically, this is the average amount of time (in days) between the last click and the resulting conversion. 

Most conversion types and revenue integrations will not suffer from extreme cases, and there is no need for a custom solution when occasional conversions are highly latent (say 7+ days), but what if the average (mean or median) duration between the last click and conversion is longer than a few days?  

This is where you will need to modify your approach when using the data for bidding and optimization decisions or the data in the most recent days will be severely understated.



  1. Where latency is limited to 2-3 days at most, we recommend making use of rolling revenue exclusions to ignore the most recent data in bidding and optimization 
    1. To learn more about using Excluded Dates, check out the dedicated section of our Rules article
  2. Otherwise, where large latency is unavoidable, we recommend identifying a suitable available proxy-conversion upper-funnel event that could be used instead to optimize towards, and where appropriate making use of Marin’s Full Funnel solution
    1. To learn more about using Full Funnel optimization, check out the dedicated help article
  3. Where there are no suitable available proxy-conversion upper-funnel events we can optimize towards which have lower latency, this is where custom solution for hyper latent revenue comes in.
    1. The current article

Illustration of hyper-latent revenue, demonstrating revenue is only stated >80% correct after 17 days from the last click


  1. Ask your Marin Representative about using this feature, stating which specific conversion type(s) are of interest. If you’re a good fit, then the rep will guide you though the rest of the process
  2. Marin will analyze your historic data and revenue files to model how revenue cumulates over time
  3. Marin will set up new conversions types with the latency-corrected (modeled) revenue
  4. Update Strategy settings to optimize towards the new conversion types

Written by Joe Southin

Last published at: July 17th, 2024