Automatically adjust Meta ABO budget for groups

Assign values to the Meta ABO Budget dimension value at the group level for active Meta Ad sets only, removing any ABO Budget values previously assigned at the campaign level.

What can I do with this?

You automate group-level adjustments to Meta's ABO budgeting tool, overriding campaign-level rules currently in the system.

How it works

  • The scrips sets the ABO Budget value to 0 if it's not currently active.
  • It automatically determines the Account based on the Ad account value.
  • It copies values across Group, Campaign, Meta ABO Budget, and Account 
  • Then it filters for the relevant data, removing “Ad Set Budget Type” that isn't daily and “Ad Set Start Date” that's beyond today.



  • User must be using Meta ABO Budgets and have group-level budgeting strategies



Written by Kelsey Kamp

Last published at: March 19th, 2024