Amazon Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brands is a campaign type for Amazon Advertising.

Sponsored Brands campaigns deliver ads which feature your brand logo, a custom headline, and up to three of your products. These ads appear on search results and help generate recognition for your brand and product portfolio.

If you're new to using Amazon with Marin, please check out our dedicated article before reading more about our Sponsored Brands support.

Other Amazon Campaign Types

This article outlines support for Sponsored Brands campaigns, but we also offer support for Sponsored Products and Sponsored Display.

If you're looking to link either of these campaign types to the platform, please follow the links below:

Marin supports Amazon's multi-group campaigns as well as legacy campaigns with only 1 group and 1 ad. For details, see:

Handy Tip

If a new Sponsored Brands campaign is created in Marin and pushed to Amazon without creating keywords for it, a default keyword -- with the same name as the account -- will be generated.


Grid And Bulk Fields

Once you've added your Amazon account to Marin, you'll find some new fields in the platform's Column Selector. You can add any of these fields to the grid for enhanced reporting and analysis. 

You'll also be able to use these fields as bulk headers using the platform's bulk upload feature to manage the creation and editing of Amazon objects at scale. They can be used in combination with standard bulk headers such as Account, Status, Daily Budget, etc. To learn more about bulk uploads, check out our dedicated help center article

The table below outlines some of the most important Amazon-specific column headers / grid fields for Amazon Sponsored Brands.


  • The Level column refers to the main grid or object types where the fields can be viewed.
Field name Level Can be viewed in the grid? Can be used in a bulk upload? Notes
Campaign Type Campaigns, Groups, Keywords, Ads, Product Targets Yes Yes

Value to be populated: "Sponsored Brands"

Note: Mandatory field, defaults to "Sponsored Products" if left blank

Amazon Subtype Campaigns, Groups, Keywords, Ads, Product Targets Yes No Legacy field from Amazon legacy campaigns. Will always populate  Product Collection.
Serving Status Campaigns Yes No

Displays an enhanced description of your Amazon object's status. 

Possible values include:

  • Archived
  • Paused
  • Active
  • Suspended
  • Ended
  • Ad Group Paused
  • Ad Group Archived
  • Campaign Paused
  • Campaign Deleted
  • Campaign Out of Budget
  • Account Out of Budget
Budget Type Campaigns Yes Yes

Possible values include:

  • Daily
  • Lifetime

Note: Optional field, defaults to "Daily" if left blank

Bid Optimization Campaigns Yes Yes

If enabled or disabled with "True" or "False" values, this setting allows you to use Amazon's dynamic bidding.

Note: Optional field, defaults to "True" if left blank. 

Amazon Bid Adjustment Campaigns Yes Yes

This setting allows you to adjust your bids manually for your Sponsored Brands campaigns.

Possible values range from "-99.00" to "99.00".

Note: Optional field, will only be used if 'Bid Optimization' is set to "False"

Modified Search Bid Keywords Yes No

Displays a temporarily increased or decreased bid for the keyword while the parent campaign's Ad Schedule is currently active.

Note: This field will only appear if you have the Ad Scheduling beta enabled.

Brand Name Ads Yes Yes

If this field is left blank, one of the brand names for the account will used as default.

Note: Optional field, but highly recommended to be populated. List of Brand Names can be found in 'Brands & Logos’ sub-tab on Linking Wizard for the respective account.

Brand Logo Ads Yes No This is the URL of the brand logo from the store asset library. 
Brand Logo Asset ID Ads Yes Yes

If this field is left blank, one of the Brand Logo Asset IDs for the account will used as default.

Note: Optional field, but highly recommended to be populated. List of Brand Logo Asset IDs can be found in 'Brands & Logos’ sub-tab on Linking Wizard for the respective account.

Brand Entity ID Campaign No Yes

The publisher ID of the brand to be associated with the Sponsored Brands ad. If this field is left blank, one of the brand IDs for the account will used as default.

Note: List of Brand Entity IDs can be found in 'Brands & Logos’ sub-tab on Linking Wizard for the respective account.

Landing Page URL Ads Yes Yes

This is the destination URL where the user will be taken upon clicking a Sponsored Brands ad.

This can be Amazon Stores URL or any custom URL.

Note: Mandatory field, unless 'Landing Page ASINs' is populated. List of Store Page URLs can be found in 'Store Pages’ sub-tab on Linking Wizard for the respective account.

Landing Page ASINs Ads No Yes

This is a comma-separated list of ASINs (min 3, max 100) which Amazon will use to create a landing page URL if Landing Page URL is not populated. 

Note: Optional field, will only be used if 'Landing Page URL' is not populated.

ASIN Ads Yes Yes

This is a comma-separated list of ASINs (min 0, max 3) for vendors. Cannot be used in the same bulk row as SKU. 

Note: Optional if no ASIN needs to be highlighted on the ad

Creative Type Ads Yes Yes Value indicates the type of ad to create. For Spotlight, use STORE_SPOTLIGHT. For Product Collection, use PRODUCT_COLLECTION. Video and Brand Video creation are not yet supported in M1. 
Subpage 1 Title
Subpage 2 Title
Subpage 3 Title
Ads Yes Yes Used for Spotlight ads only. Indicates the Title for subpage 1, 2 and 3.

Subpage 1ASIN
Subpage 2 ASIN

Subpage 3 ASIN

Ads Yes Yes Used for Spotlight ads only. Indicates the ASIN for subpage 1, 2 and 3. 

Subpage 1 Landing Page
Subpage 2 Landing Page

Subpage 3 Landing Page

Ads Yes Yes Used for Spotlight ads only. Indicates the landing page for subpage 1, 2 and 3.
Landing Page Type Ads Yes Yes Used to indicate the landing page type. For Spotlight, use Store. For Product Collection, use Product Collection. 
Creative Name Ads Yes Yes Used for Spotlight ads only. Indicates the creative name.

Sample Bulk File

To get a first-hand look at how to manage Sponsored Brands in bulk, click the link below to download a sample bulksheets for Campaigns, Groups, Keywords and Ads (one level per tab).

Considerations When Working With Sponsored Brands In Bulk

  • When you create a new Sponsored Brands campaign in the Marin platform, its Serving Status value will appear as "pendingReview" until the campaign is approved by Amazon.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: June 7th, 2024