Completed Episode Summary

This view summarizes the performance of your Strategies for the last completed Episode. The Strategies are grouped into categories based on whether Marin was actively managing them during the Episode and whether there were any settings changes.

The Completed Episode Report is available under Optimization > Allocation > Completed in the left navigation bar.

Key Concepts

Posting Category

  • On: 100% controlled by Marin in Posting Modes, and no Strategy Goal/ Campaigns change during the Episode .
  • Partial: The Strategy is set to “Posting to Publisher”  for at least one of the budgets, bids, or targets but there were changes in Strategies settings of the campaign mapping during the episode. These changes may include:
    • Strategy Goal change, eg. change from ROAS to Spend only 
    • Campaign Mapping change, move in or out of Strategy 
    • Campaign Status change, from “ACTIVE” to non-active or vice versa
  • Off: Strategy was set to “Preview” mode for the entire episode

Spend: Shows the total Episode spend as of the end of the Episode. If any Campaigns were moved in or out of the Strategy after the Episode ended, this may not reflect the Strategies grid.

Strategy Target: The Strategy Target at the end of the Episode.

Accuracy vs. Avg. Target: The actual spend divided by the date-weighted by Strategy target in the Episode. For example, if an Episode has 30 days in total, the Strategy target is $100 for the first 10 days and $200 for the last 20 days, then the Average Target would be $167. If the actual spend were $160, the accuracy would be 96% (160/167).

Spend % in 85% to 115%: The percentage of spend I Strategies with 15% of the target. Higher is better.

Episode Accuracy by Strategy

In this scatter plot, each dot represents a Strategy, and you can see how close it came to hitting the Strategy target. The Strategies are randomly spread on the horizontal axis to make it easier to see the different Strategies. The closer the dots are to 100%, the better they performed.

Episode Accuracy Distribution

This histogram is another way to summarize the performance across Strategies. The more spend in the middle bucket (95-105% of target), the more closely your strategies are hitting the target.

Strategy Details

This table shows the Strategy-level data that powers the top summary charts. In addition to the performance metrics for each Strategy, you can see if the goal was changed during the Strategy, or if the campaign mapping changed.

Written by Wes MacLaggan

Last published at: September 26th, 2024